(09) 623 7410 info@colorectal.co.nz

Haemorrhoid Treatments

Mild symptoms can frequently be relieved by increasing fibre and fluids in the diet and avoiding excessive straining. Local ointments are of limited value but may give some relief. After appropriate investigation the majority of haemorrhoids causing symptoms can be treated by simple procedures.


Injection with a chemical – phenol (in oil) can stop bleeding if the haemorrhoids are small.

Rubber band ligation

This treatment is appropriate for larger haemorrhoids. No anaesthetic (local or general) is required. The rubber bands obstruct the blood supply and cause the haemorrhoid to separate from its attachment to the bowel wall. This may be combined with injection.


Surgical excision is sometimes necessary to treat large or complicated haemorrhoids. The procedure is performed under anaesthesia. The operation may be conducted in hospital or in a day care centre. There are many options for haemorrhoid treatment. Most haemorrhoids do not require to be removed. Many can be treated with banding in the rooms. For larger or more troublesome haemorrhoids other less painful techniques such as HAL-RAR Haemorrhoid Artery Ligation Recto Anal Repair and stapled haemorrhoidopexy can be used.

Related Resource Information

pdf Haemorrhoids – more information
pdf Haemorrhoids and Their Treatment

Do you have a question?

If you should have any question about your appointment,
condition or treatment please don’t hesitate to contact us.
